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The KinG Of Fire

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The KinG Of Fire

The KinG Of Fire

The KinG Of Fire

The KinG Of Fire

Friday, March 23, 2012

Serangga Tomcat

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Sekilas Tentang Serangga Tomcat

Tomcat tidak mengigit ataupun menyengat. Tomcat akan mengeluarkan cairan secara otomatis bila bersentuhan atau bersentuhan dengan kulit manusia secara langsung. Gawatnya, Tomcat juga akan mengeluarkan cairan racunnya ini pada benda-benda seperti baju, handuk, ataupun benda-benda lainnya. Pada jenis serangga tertentu, terdapat cairan yang diduga 12 kali lebih kuat dari bisa ular kobra[2]. Cairan hemolimf atau toksin ini disebut sebagai 'aederin' (C24H43O9N)[3]. Jika sudah terkena dermatitis, segera bersihkan seprei, sapu tangan, handuk, pakaian maupun benda-benda yang disinyalir terkena racun tomcat. Bersentuhan dengan kumbang ini saat berbaring atau tidur, menghancurkannya pada badan atau mengosok dengan jari yang kotor akan menyebabkan konjungtivitas dan penyakit kulit yang parah yang dikenali sebagai 'dermatitis linearis', 'aederus (kumbang rove/ staphylinidae) dermatitis'. Kalau melihat Tomcat hinggap di tangan, jangan dipencet atau dibunuh seperti mematikan nyamuk ataupun serangga kecil lainnya. Sebaiknya Tomcat ditiup hingga pergi, atau diambil dengan hati-hati menggunakan alat atau tangan yang ditutupi plastik dan dibuang ke tempat yang aman. Setelah itu cuci tangan dengan sabun dan ulangi lagi. Kalau bisa semprot serangga itu dengan racun serangga dan disingkirkan tanpa harus menyentuhnya secara langsung.


Jika kulit terkena racun Serangga Tomcat segeralah mencuci bagian kulit yang terkena dengan menggunakan sabun, jangan diberi odol, minyak kayu putih, balsem, minyak tawon maupun bedak tabur karena hanya akan memperparah keadaan. Kulit yang terkena toksin Tomcat akan merah meradang mirip herpes tapi tidak sama. Pengobatannya menggunakan salep dan antibiotik. Biasanya hydrocortisone 1% atau salep betametasone dan antibiotik neomycin sulfat 3 x sehari atau salep Acyclovir 5%.[4] Peradangan juga dapat diredakan dengan mengkompres bagian kulit yang terkena racun dengan air dingin.

Original weapon Indonesia


Gambar Terposting

 Keris spread to the community residents are never affected by the Majapahit, such as Java, Madura, East Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Kalimantan coast, most of Sulawesi, Malay peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao).

Keris is a stabbing weapon unique to Indonesia. Based on ancient documents, a dagger in the initial form has been used since the 9th century. Strong likelihood that the dagger has been used before that time. Minister Kebudyaan Indonesia, Jero Wacik has brought a dagger into UNESCO and requesting assurance that this is Indonesia's cultural heritage.
Kris has a variety of forms, for example, there are winding blade (always berbilang odd) and some are straight bladed. Javanese people assume different forms have different effects esoteri.
Besides being used as a weapon, a dagger is also often considered to have supernatural powers. These weapons are often cited in a variety of traditional legends, like a dagger in the legend Mpu Gandring Ken Arok and Ken Dedes.
Procedures for the use of different keris in each region. In areas such as Javanese and Sundanese, a dagger was placed on the back of the waist in peacetime but is placed in front in the war. Meanwhile, in Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, a dagger was placed in front.

Legendary keris

     Keris Mpu Gandring
     Kris Heritage Satan Kober
     Keris Kyai Sengkelat
     Inten kris Belt Heritage Nagasasra
     Keris Kyai Carubuk
     Keris Kyai Lean Mix
     Taming Sari Keris
     Keris Si Ginje


Gambar Terposting

Discourse and Culture in the repertoire of the archipelago, is recognized as a traditional weapon Kujang people of West Java (Sunda) and Kujang known as the weapon that has a sacred value and have magical powers. Some researchers claim that the term Kujang derived from the root word Kudihyang Kudi and Hyang.
Kudi is taken from the ancient Sundanese, which means a weapon that has the magical power of magic, as talismans, as repellent reinforcements, such as to repel enemies or avoid hazards / diseases. These weapons are also stored as an heirloom, which is used to protect the home from danger by putting them in a crate or a specific place in the house or to put it on the bed (Hazeu, 1904: 405-406)
While Hyang be equated with the notion in some mythological god, but for the Sunda Hyang has a meaning and position in the Deity, it is reflected in the doctrine of "Dasa Prebakti" which is reflected in the text of Torment Kanda Sanghyang Karesian Ng stated "God of devotion in Hyang" .
In general, Kujang has the sense of heritage that have a certain power that comes from the gods (= Hyang), and as a weapon, from ancient to the present Kujang occupies a very special position among the people of West Java (Sunda). As an emblem or symbol with niali philosophical values ​​contained in it, Kujang used as one of the few symbols of aesthetic as well as government organizations. In addition, Kujang was also used as a name of various organizations, unity, and of course, used also by the local government of West Java Province.
In the past Kujang can not be separated from public life because of its function as a Sundanese agricultural equipment. This statement is contained in the manuscript Sanghyang Torment Kanda Karesian Ng (1518 M) and the oral tradition that developed in several areas including in the area of ​​scaffolding, Kudat. Evidence strengthens the assertion that Cleaver as farm equipment we can still see today on the Bedouins, Banten and Pancer Pangawinan in Sukabumi.
With the development progress, technological, cultural, social and economic Sunda, Kujang also experienced growth and a shift in form, function and meaning. From an agricultural equipment, Cleaver developed into an object that has its own character and tends to be a valuable weapon symbolic and sacred. Cleaver is a new form as we know it today was born estimated between the 9th century until the 12th century.

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